IPTables::Parse(3) Perl extension for parsing iptables and ip6tables policies


use IPTables::Parse;
my $ipt_bin = '/sbin/iptables'; # can set this to /sbin/ip6tables
my %opts = (
'iptables' => $ipt_bin,
'debug' => 0,
'verbose' => 0
my $ipt_obj = new IPTables::Parse(%opts)
or die "[*] Could not acquire IPTables::Parse object";
my $rv = 0;
my $table = 'filter';
my $chain = 'INPUT';
my ($ipt_hr, $rv) = $ipt_obj->default_drop($table, $chain);
if ($rv) {
if (defined $ipt_hr->{'all'}) {
print "The INPUT chain has a default DROP rule for all protocols.\n";
} else {
for my $proto (qw/tcp udp icmp/) {
if (defined $ipt_hr->{$proto}) {
print "The INPUT chain drops $proto by default.\n";
} else {
print "[-] Could not parse $ipt_obj->{'_ipt_bin_name'} policy\n";
($ipt_hr, $rv) = $ipt_obj->default_log($table, $chain);
if ($rv) {
if (defined $ipt_hr->{'all'}) {
print "The INPUT chain has a default LOG rule for all protocols.\n";
} else {
for my $proto (qw/tcp udp icmp/) {
if (defined $ipt_hr->{$proto}) {
print "The INPUT chain logs $proto by default.\n";
} else {
print "[-] Could not parse $ipt_obj->{'_ipt_bin_name'} policy\n";


The "IPTables::Parse" package provides an interface to parse iptables or ip6tables rules on Linux systems through the direct execution of iptables/ip6tables commands, or from parsing a file that contains an iptables/ip6tables policy listing. You can get the current policy applied to a table/chain, look for a specific user-defined chain, check for a default DROP policy, or determing whether or not logging rules exist.


The IPTables::Parse extension provides an object interface to the following functions:
chain_policy($table, $chain)
This function returns the policy (e.g. 'DROP', 'ACCEPT', etc.) for the specified table and chain:

  print "INPUT policy: ", $ipt_obj->chain_policy('filter', 'INPUT'), "\n";
chain_rules($table, $chain)
This function parses the specified chain and table and returns an array reference for all rules in the chain. Each element in the array reference is a hash with the following keys (that contain values depending on the rule): "src", "dst", "protocol", "s_port", "d_port", "target", "packets", "bytes", "intf_in", "intf_out", "to_ip", "to_port", "state", "raw", and "extended". The "extended" element contains the rule output past the protocol information, and the "raw" element contains the complete rule itself as reported by iptables or ip6tables.
default_drop($table, $chain)
This function parses the running iptables or ip6tables policy in order to determine if the specified chain contains a default DROP rule. Two values are returned, a hash reference whose keys are the protocols that are dropped by default if a global ACCEPT rule has not accepted matching packets first, along with a return value that tells the caller if parsing the iptables or ip6tables policy was successful. Note that if all protocols are dropped by default, then the hash key 'all' will be defined.

  ($ipt_hr, $rv) = $ipt_obj->default_drop('filter', 'INPUT');
default_log($table, $chain)
This function parses the running iptables or ip6tables policy in order to determine if the specified chain contains a default LOG rule. Two values are returned, a hash reference whose keys are the protocols that are logged by default if a global ACCEPT rule has not accepted matching packets first, along with a return value that tells the caller if parsing the iptables or ip6tables policy was successful. Note that if all protocols are logged by default, then the hash key 'all' will be defined. An example invocation is:

  ($ipt_hr, $rv) = $ipt_obj->default_log('filter', 'INPUT');


Michael Rash, <[email protected]>


Thanks to the following people:

  Franck Joncourt <[email protected]>
  Grant Ferley


The IPTables::Parse extension was written by Michael Rash <[email protected]> to support the psad and fwsnort projects. Please send email to this address if there are any questions, comments, or bug reports.


Copyright (C) 2005-2012 Michael Rash. All rights reserved.

This module is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the Artistic License 2.0. More information can be found here: http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html

This program is distributed ``as is'' in the hope that it will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.