Jifty::DBI::Filter(3) base class for Jifty::DBI filters


# To implement your own filter
package MyApp::Filter::Uppercase;
use base qw/ Jifty::DBI::Filter /;
# Setup for DB storage, store in lowercase
sub encode {
my $self = shift;
my $value_ref = $self->value_ref;
return unless defined $$value_ref; # don't blow up on undef
$$value_ref = lc $$value_ref;
# Setup for Perl code to use, always sees uppercase
sub decode {
my $self = shift;
my $value_ref = $self->value_ref;
return unless defined $$value_ref; # don't blow up on undef
$$value_ref = uc $$value_ref;
# To use a filter
use MyApp::Record schema {
column filtered =>
type is 'text',
filters are qw/ MyApp::Filter::Uppercase /;


A filter allows Jifty::DBI models to tweak data prior to being stored and/or loaded. This is useful for marshalling and unmarshalling complex objects.



Takes three arguments in a parameter hash:
A reference to the current value you're going to be massaging. "encode" works in place, massaging whatever value_ref refers to.
A Jifty::DBI::Column object, whatever sort of column we're working with here.
A Jifty::DBI::Handle object, because some filters (i.e. Jifty::DBI::Filter::Boolean) depend on what database system is being used.


"encode" takes data that users are handing to us and marshals it into a form suitable for sticking it in the database. This could be anything from flattening a DateTime object into an ISO date to making sure that data is utf8 clean.


"decode" takes data that the database is handing back to us and gets it into a form that's OK to hand back to the user. This could be anything from inflating an ISO date to a DateTime object to making sure that the string properly has the utf8 flag.


Jifty::DBI is Copyright 2005-2007 Best Practical Solutions, LLC. Jifty::DBI is distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.