This shows a chart using Chart. It expects to find the arguments in the "args" parameter, which is setup for it in Jifty::Plugin::Chart::Dispatcher.This will output a PNG file unless there is an error building the chart.
This shows a chart using GD::Graph. It expects to find the arguments in the "args" parameter, which is setup for it in Jifty::Plugin::Chart::Dispatcher.This will output a PNG file unless there is an error building the chart.
This shows a chart using XML SWF. It expects to find the arguments in the "args" parameter, which is setup for it in Jifty::Plugin::Chart::Dispatcher.This will output an XML source file unless there is an error building the chart.
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp "<[email protected]>"COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
Copyright 2007 Boomer Consulting, Inc.This is free software and may be modified and distributed under the same terms as Perl itself.