User/group management for LedgerSMBINHERITS
- Universal
- LedgerSMB
- LedgerSMB::DBObject
- save_user
Saves a user optionally with location and contact data.
If the password or import hash values is set, will not save contact or address information.
This API is not fully documented at this time because it is expected that it will be broken down into more manageable chunks in future versions. Please do not count on the behavior.
- delete_user($delete_role)
Deletes a user specified by $self->{user_id}.
if $delete_role is true, deletes the role too.
- search_users
Returns a list of users matching search criteria, and attaches that list to the
user_results hash value.
Search criteria:
- username
- first_name
- last_name
- ssn
- dob
Undef matches all values. All matches exact except username which allows for partial matches.
- list_sessions
- returns a list of active sessions, when they were last used, and how many discretionary locks they hold. The list is also attached to the active_sessions hash value. No inputs required or used.
- delete_session
- Deletes a session identified by the session_id hashref.
- save_roles
- Saves the roles assigned to a user. Each role is specified as a hashref true value, where the key is the full name of the role (i.e. starting with lsmb_[dbname]__).
- get_salutations
- Returns a list of salutation records from the db for the dropdowns.
- get_roles
Returns a list of role names with the following format:
{role => $full_role_name, description => $short_role_name}
The short role name is the full role name with the prefix removed (i.e. without the lsmb_[dbname]__ prefix).
- get_countries
Returns a reference to an array of hashrefs including the country data in the db.
Sets the same reference to the countries hash value.
- get_contact_classes
- Returns a list of hashrefs ({id =>, class =>}) relating to the contact classes.
Copyright (c) 2009, the LedgerSMB Core Team. This is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, or at your option any later version. Please see the accompanying License.txt for more information.