lfs(8) helper utility to administrate lustre clusters


lfs <options> [values]


lfs lfs is used to administrate a lustre filesystem, you'll need it to get or set various informations concerning the filesystem usage (e.g. striping, quota, osts, ..)

lfs can be invoked in interactive and non-interative mode. In order to use it interactive call lfs without arguments. The available commands in lfs are: setstripe , getstripe , find , check , catinfo , join , osts , df , quotachown , quotacheck , quotaon , quotaoff , setquota , quota , help , exit , quit

In order to get help type lfs help
If you want more specific help on a command type lfs help $command
where $command is one of the ones in the list above.


Create a new file with a specific striping pattern or set the default striping pattern on an existing directory or delete the default striping pattern from an existing directory
usage: setstripe <filename|dirname> <stripe_size> <stripe_index> <stripe_count>
       setstripe <filename|dirname> [--size|-s stripe_size]
                                    [--index|-i stripe_index]
                                    [--count|-c stripe_count]

        setstripe -d <dirname>   (to delete default striping)
        stripe_size:  Number of bytes on each OST (0 filesystem default)
                Can be specified with k, m or g (in KB, MB and GB respectively)
        stripe_index: OST index of first stripe (-1 filesystem default)
        stripe_count: Number of OSTs to stripe over (0 default, -1 all)

To list the striping info for a given filename or files in a directory or recursively for all files in a directory tree.

usage: getstripe [--obd|-O <uuid>] [--quiet | -q] [--verbose | -v]
                 [--recursive | -r] <dir|file> ...


To find files that match given parameters recursively in a directory tree.

usage: find <dir/file> ...
        [[!] --atime|-A [+-]N] [[!] --mtime|-M [+-]N] [[!] --ctime|-C [+-]N]
        [--maxdepth|-D N] [[!] --name|-n <pattern>] [--print0|-P]
        [--print|-p] [--obd|-O <uuid>] [[!] --type|-t <filetype>]
                !: used before an option indicates 'NOT' the requested attribute
                -: used before an value indicates 'AT MOST' the requested value
                +: used before an option indicates 'AT LEAST' the requested value


Display the status of MDS or OSTs (as specified in the command) or all the servers (MDS and OSTs).

usage: check <osts|mds|servers>

Show information of specified type logs.

usage: catinfo {keyword} [node name]
        keywords are one of followings: config, deletions.
        node name must be provided when use keyword config.


join two lustre files into one - join A, B, will be like cat B >> A & del B

usage: join <filename_A> <filename_B>


osts FIXME


report filesystem disk space usage or inodes usageof each MDS/OSD.

usage: df [-i] [-h] [path]

Change files' owner or group on the specified filesystem.

usage: quotachown [-i] <filesystem>
        -i: ignore error if file is not exist

Scan the specified filesystem for disk usage, and create, or update quota files.

usage: quotacheck [ -ug ] <filesystem>

Turn filesystem quotas on.

usage: quotaon [ -ugf ] <filesystem>

Turn filesystem quotas off.

usage: quotaoff [ -ug ] <filesystem>

Set filesystem quotas.

usage: setquota [ -u | -g ] <name> <block-softlimit> <block-hardlimit> <inode-softlimit> <inode-hardlimit> <filesystem>
        setquota -t [ -u | -g ] <block-grace> <inode-grace> <filesystem>


Display disk usage and limits.

usage: quota [ -o obd_uuid ] [{-u|-g <name>}|-t] <filesystem>








$ lfs setstripe /mnt/lustre/file1 131072 -1 2
This creats a file striped on two OSTs with 128kB on each stripe.
$ lfs setstripe -d /mnt/lustre/dir
This deletes a default stripe pattern on dir. New files will use the default striping pattern created therein.
$ lfs find /mnt/lustre/file1
Lists the object allocation of a given file
$ lfs find /mnt/lustre/
Lists the object allocationss of all files in a given directory
$ lfs find -r /mnt/lustre/
Recursively list the objects of all files in a given directory tree
$ lfs find -r --obd OST2-UUID /mnt/lustre/
Recursively list all files in a given directory that have objects on OST2-UUID.
$ lfs quotachown -i /mnt/lustre
Change file owner and group
$ lfs quotacheck -ug /mnt/lustre
Quotacheck for user and group - will turn on quotas after making the check.
$ lfs quotaon -ug /mnt/lustre
Turn quotas of user and group on
$ lfs quotaoff -ug /mnt/lustre
Turn quotas of user and group off
$ lfs setquota -u bob 0 1000000 0 10000 /mnt/lustre
Set quotas of user `bob': 1GB block quota and 10,000 file quota
$ lfs quota -u bob /mnt/lustre
List quotas of user `bob'
$ lfs check servers
Check the status of all servers (MDT, OST)
$ lfs osts
List all the OSTs $ lfs df -i Lists inode consumpton per OST and MDT


lustre was written by ClusterFileSystems <[email protected]>

This manpage was written by Patrick Winnertz <[email protected]> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.