use base qw/ Lire::DlfAnalyser /;
This package defines the interface that must be implemented by all DLF Analysers. All the methods defined in this package will throw a 'method not implemented' exception if they are called.Analyser which produce DLF records for an extended schema should probably use the simpler Lire::DlfCategoriser interface.
These methods provides information to the Lire framework about the DLF analysers.The Lire::DlfAnalyser interface extends the Lire::Plugin interface, so they must implement all standard meta-information methods (name(), title(), description()).
Returns the Dlf schema which is analysed by this analyser.E.g. "www"
Returns the Dlf schema which is producted by this analyser.E.g. "www-user_session"
The analyser does its job using the analyse() method.analyse( $process, $config )
The $process parameter contains the Lire::DlfAnalyserProcess object which is controlling the conversion process.The $config parameter contains configuration data that was specified in the AnalysisJob for that converter. To register configuration specification for you DlfAnalyser, you just need to define a configuration specification under the name analyser_name_properties. This should be either a RecordSpec or ObjectSpec.
Francis J. Lacoste <[email protected]>VERSION
$Id:,v 1.4 2006/07/23 13:16:28 vanbaal Exp $COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2004 Stichting LogReport Foundation [email protected]This file is part of Lire.
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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