listgeo(1) dump geotiff metadata


listgeo [-tfw] [-no_norm] [-proj4] [-t DIR] file


The program listgeo takes a GeoTIFF file as input and dumps to the standard output a GeoTIFF "metadata" file, which is human readable, and may also be used as input to other programs which use the "GTIFImport" routine, such as geotifcp.


listgeo accepts the following options:
report lat/long corners in decimal degrees instead of DMS
Generate a .tfw (ESRI TIFF World) file for the target file
Don't report 'normalized' parameter values
Report PROJ.4 equivelent projection definition
-t DIR
force to look in DIR for EPSG_CVS files, overriding default behaviour


This program is distribuited with libgeotiff software. The home page is located at Here you can find links about other relating projects. A mailing list about libgeotiff development is currenctly active at [email protected].


Niles Ritter, Frank Warmerdam <[email protected]>, Derrick J. Brashear <[email protected]> and many others contribuitors.