Lucene::QueryParser(3) Turn a Lucene query into a Perl data structure


use Lucene::QueryParser;
my $structure = parse_query("red and yellow and -(coat:pink and green)");

$structure will be:

 [ { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'red' },
   { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'yellow' },
   { subquery => [
        { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'pink', field => 'coat' },
        { query => 'TERM', type => 'NORMAL', term => 'green' }
     ], query => 'SUBQUERY', type => 'PROHIBITED' 


This module parses a Lucene query, as defined by

It deals with fields, types, phrases, subqueries, and so on; everything handled by the "SimpleQuery" class in Lucene. The data structure is similar to the one given above, and is pretty self-explanatory.

The other function, "deparse_query" turns such a data structure back into a Lucene query string. This is useful if you've just been mucking about with the data.


Note for people using Plucene: the big arrayref and the hashes in the output of "parse_query" are actually objects. They're not "Plucene::Query" objects, because then everyone who wanted to do search queries would have to pull in Plucene, which is a bit unfair. However, they can be turned into "Plucene::Query"s by calling "to_plucene" on them. The argument to "to_plucene" should be the default field to search if none is supplied.


Exports the "parse_query" and "deparse_query" functions.


Simon Cozens, <[email protected]>


Copyright 2003 by Kasei

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.