lxc-info(1) query information about a container


lxc-info {-n name} [-c KEY] [-s] [-p] [-i] [-S] [-H]


lxc-info queries and shows information about a container.


-c, --config KEY
Print a configuration key from the container. This option may be given multiple times to print out multiple key = value pairs.
-s, --state
Just print the container's state.
-p, --pid
Just print the container's pid.
-i, --ips
Just print the container's IP addresses.
-S, --stats
Just print the container's statistics. Note that for performance reasons the kernel does not account kernel memory use unless a kernel memory limit is set. If a limit is not set, lxc-info will display kernel memory use as 0. A limit can be set by specifying

            lxc.cgroup.memory.kmem.limit_in_bytes = number

in your container configuration file, see lxc.conf(5).

-H, --no-humanize
Print the container's statistics in raw, non-humanized form. The default is to print statistics in humanized form.


These options are common to most of lxc commands.
-?, -h, --help
Print a longer usage message than normal.
Give the usage message
-q, --quiet
mute on
-P, --lxcpath=PATH
Use an alternate container path. The default is /var/lib/lxc.
-o, --logfile=FILE
Output to an alternate log FILE. The default is no log.
-l, --logpriority=LEVEL
Set log priority to LEVEL. The default log priority is ERROR. Possible values are : FATAL, CRIT, WARN, ERROR, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG.

Note that this option is setting the priority of the events log in the alternate log file. It do not have effect on the ERROR events log on stderr.

-n, --name=NAME
Use container identifier NAME. The container identifier format is an alphanumeric string.
Show the version number.


lxc-info -n foo
Show information for foo.
lxc-info -n 'ubuntu.*'
Show information for all containers whose name starts with ubuntu.
lxc-info -n foo -c lxc.network.0.veth.pair
prints the veth pair name of foo.


Stéphane Graber <[email protected]>