Model-based Analysis for ChIP-Sequencing
usage: macs2 filterdup [-h]
-i IFILE [IFILE ...]
[-g GSIZE] [-s TSIZE] [-p PVALUE]
[--keep-dup KEEPDUPLICATES] [--verbose VERBOSE]
[--outdir OUTDIR] [-o OUTPUTFILE] [-d]
optional arguments:
- -h, --help
show this help message and exit
- -i IFILE [IFILE ...], --ifile IFILE [IFILE ...]
ChIP-seq alignment file. If multiple files are given
as '-t A B C', then they will all be read and
combined. Note that pair-end data is not supposed to
work with this command. REQUIRED.
Format of tag file, "AUTO", "BED" or "ELAND" or
"BOWTIE". The default AUTO option will let 'macs2
filterdup' decide which format the file is. Please
check the definition in README file if you choose
- -g GSIZE, --gsize GSIZE
Effective genome size. It can be 1.0e+9 or 1000000000,
or shortcuts:'hs' for human (2.7e9), 'mm' for mouse
(1.87e9), 'ce' for C. elegans (9e7) and 'dm' for
fruitfly (1.2e8), DEFAULT:hs
- -s TSIZE, --tsize TSIZE
Tag size. This will override the auto detected tag
size. DEFAULT: Not set
- -p PVALUE, --pvalue PVALUE
Pvalue cutoff for binomial distribution test.
It controls the 'macs2 filterdup' behavior towards
duplicate tags/pairs at the exact same location -- the
same coordination and the same strand. The 'auto'
option makes 'macs2 filterdup' calculate the maximum
tags at the exact same location based on binomal
distribution using given -p as pvalue cutoff; and the
'all' option keeps every tags (useful if you only want
to convert formats). If an integer is given, at most
this number of tags will be kept at the same location.
Note, MACS2 callpeak function uses KEEPDUPLICATES=1 as
default. Note, if you've used samtools or picard to
flag reads as 'PCR/Optical duplicate' in bit 1024,
MACS2 will still read them although the reads may be
decided by MACS2 as duplicate later. Default: auto
- --verbose VERBOSE
Set verbose level. 0: only show critical message, 1:
show additional warning message, 2: show process
information, 3: show debug messages. If you want to
know where are the duplicate reads, use 3. DEFAULT:2
- --outdir OUTDIR
If specified all output files will be written to that
directory. Default: the current working directory
Output BED file name. If not specified, will write to
standard output. DEFAULT: stdout
- -d, --dry-run
When set, filterdup will only output numbers instead
of writing output files, including maximum allowable
duplicates, total number of reads before filtering,
total number of reads after filtering, and redundant
rate. Default: not set