Mail::Server::IMAP4::List(3) folder related IMAP4 answers


my $imap = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new
( folders => $folders # Mail::Box::Identity
, inbox => $inbox # Mail::Box
, delimiter => '#'
my $imap = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(user => $user);
print $imap->list(...); # for LIST command




Create a (temporary) object to handle the LIST requests for a certain user, based upon a set of folders. The data is kept by Mail::Box::Identity and Mail::Box::Collection objects, which mean that the folders will not be opened to answer these questions.

 -Option   --Default
  delimeter  '/'
  folders    <from user>
  inbox      <from user>
  user       <undef>
delimeter => STRING|CODE
Either the constant delimiter, or a code reference which will get passed a folder name and should return the delimiter string used in that name. If that folder name is empty, the default delimiter must be reported. See delimiter() for an example.
folders => OBJECT
You need to specify either a set of folders explicitly or via the user. Some Mail::Box::Identity OBJECT is needed.
inbox => BOOLEAN
For now, only used to see whether there is an inbox, so a truth value will do. This may change in the future. By default, the flag is set if "$user-"inbox> is defined.
user => OBJECT
A Mail::Box::Manage::User OBJECT, representing the user who's folders must get reported.


$obj->delimiter( [$foldername] )
Returns the delimiter string. The foldername is only required when a CODE reference was specified at initiation.

example: setting-up an IMAP4 delimeter

 sub delim($)
 {   my $path = shift;
     my ($delim, $root)
       = $path =~ m/^(#news\.)/ ? ('.', $1)
       = $path =~ m!^/!         ? ('/', '/')
       :                          ('/', '');
     wantarray ? ($delim, $root) : $delim;
 my $list = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(delimiter => \&delim, ...);
 print $list->delimiter('abc/xyz');      # returns a / (slash) and ''
 print $list->delimiter('#news.feed');   # returns a . (dot)   and $news.
 print $list->delimiter('');             # returns default delimiter
Returns the Mail::Box::Identity of the toplevel folder.
Returns the Mail::Box or filename of the INBOX.
Returns the Mail::Box::Manage::User object, if defined.

IMAP Commands

$obj->list($base, $pattern)
IMAP's LIST command. The request must be partially decoded, the answer will need to be encoded.

example: using IMAP list

 my $imap  = Mail::Server::IMAP4::List->new(delimiter => \&delim, ...);
 local $"  = ';';
 my @lines = $imap->list('', '');  # returns the default delimiter
 print ">@{$lines[0]}<";           #  >(\Noselect);/;<
 my @lines = $imap->list('#news',''); # specific delimiter
 print ">@{$lines[0]}<";           #  >(\Noselect);.;<
 my @lines = $imap->list('top/x/', '%');
 print ">@$_<," foreach @lines;    #  >();/;/tmp/x/y<,>(\Marked);/;/tmp/x/z<


RFC2060: "Internet Message Access Protocol IMAP4v1"
sections 6.3.8 (LIST question) and 7.2.2 (LIST answer)


Copyrights 2001-2015 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See