manage-credentials(1) a tool to create (and manage) credentials which


manage-credentials create -c <consumer> [--email <email> --password <password>] [--service <staging|edge>]
manage-credentials -h


manage-credentials is a tool to create (and manage) credentials which are used to access Launchpad via the API.

Currently this tool can be used to create a token with or without using the web UI. In the future, once related methods are available through the API, this tool can also be used to manage tokens in launchpad and on the users local machine.


Listed below are the command line options for requestsync:
Display a help message and exit.
-c --consumer
-e --email <email>
Your email address as registered on Launchpad.
-p --password <password>
Your Launchpad password.
-s --service <edge|staging>
If we should use the edge or staging root of the Launchpad API.
Where to store the cache.
Which file we should save the credentials to. By default manage-credentials writes the credentials tokens to the ~/.cache/lp_credentials/ directory.
-l --level <number>
A number representing the access-level you wish to give to the new Launchpad token. 0 is unauthorized, 1 is read public data, 2; write public data, 3; read private data and 4; write private data.


There are currently two ways of using manage-credentials to get Launchpad tokens.
1) manage-credentials create -c CONSUMER --level 2

This way shall open your webbrowser with a Launchpad login page.

2) manage-credentials create -c CONSUMER --level 2 --password BOO --email [email protected]

This is a hack, but it works and does not require a webbrowser .

If you intend to use manage-credentials for Ubuntu development (such as
the ubuntu-dev-tools package). Please by sure to run the following:

manage-credentials create -c ubuntu-dev-tools -l 2


manage-credentials was written by Markus Korn <[email protected]> and this manual page was written by Jonathan Davies <[email protected]>.

Both are released under the GNU General Public License, version 3.