These filters are automatically composed into Mason::Component.FILTERS
- Capture ($ref)
Uses "$m->capture" to capture the content in $ref instead of outputting
% $.Capture(\my $content) {{ <!-- this will end up in $content --> % }} ... do something with $content
- CompCall ($path, @args...)
Calls the component with path and @args, just as with "$m->scomp",
with an additional coderef argument "yield" that can be invoked to generate
the content. Arguments passed to "yield" can be accessed inside the content
via @_. This is the replacement for Mason 1's Components With
Content <>.
In % $.CompCall ('list_items.mi', items => \@items) {{ <li><% $_[0] %></li> % }} In list_items.mi: <%class> has 'items'; has 'yield'; </%class> % foreach my $item (@{$.items}) { <% $.yield->($item) %> % }
- NoBlankLines
Remove lines with only whitespace from content. This
% $.NoBlankLines {{ hello world % }}
hello world
- Repeat ($count)
Repeat the content block $count times. Note that the block is re-executed
each time, which may result in different content.
<!-- Prints 1 to 5 --> % my $i = 1; % $.Repeat(5) {{ <% $i++ %><br> % }}
- Tee ($ref)
Uses "$m->capture" to capture the content in $ref, and also output it.
% $.Tee(\my $content) {{ <!-- this will end up in $content and also be output --> % }} ... <!-- output content again down here --> <% $content %>
- Trim
- Remove whitespace from the beginning and end of the content.
Jonathan Swartz <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Jonathan Swartz.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.