use Math::GSL::DHT qw/:all/;
Here is a list of all the functions included in this module :- "gsl_dht_alloc($size)" - This function allocates a Discrete Hankel transform object of size $size.
- "gsl_dht_new($size, $nu, $xmax)" - This function allocates a Discrete Hankel transform object of size $size and initializes it for the given values of $nu and $xmax.
- "gsl_dht_init($t, $nu, $xmax)" - This function initializes the transform $t for the given values of $nu and $xmax.
- "gsl_dht_x_sample($t, $n)" - This function returns the value of the $n-th sample point in the unit interval, (j_{\nu,n+1}/j_{\nu,M}) X. These are the points where the function f(t) is assumed to be sampled.
- "gsl_dht_k_sample($t, $n)" - This function returns the value of the $n-th sample point in "k-space", j_{\nu,n+1}/X.
- "gsl_dht_free($t)" - This function frees the transform $t.
- "gsl_dht_apply"
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Jonathan ``Duke'' Leto and Thierry MoisanThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.