use Math::GSL::Spline qw/:all/;
The functions described in the Interp module required the user to supply pointers to the x and y arrays on each call. The following functions are equivalent to the corresponding gsl_interp functions but maintain a copy of this data in the gsl_spline object. This removes the need to pass both xa and ya as arguments on each evaluation.- "gsl_spline_alloc($T, $size)"
- "gsl_spline_init($spline, $xa, $ya, $size)"
- "gsl_spline_free($spline)"
- "gsl_spline_name($spline)"
- "gsl_spline_min_size($spline)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_e($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_deriv($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_deriv2_e($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_deriv2($spline, $x, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_integ_e($spline, $a, $b, $acc)"
- "gsl_spline_eval_integ($spline, $a, $b, $acc)"
For more information on the functions, we refer you to the GSL offcial documentation: <>
Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Jonathan ``Duke'' Leto and Thierry MoisanThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.