Math::Polygon::Clip(3) frame a polygon in a square


   is a Exporter


my @poly = ( [1,2], [2,4], [5,7], [1, 2] );
my @box = ( $xmin, $ymin, $xmax, $ymax );
my $boxed = polygon_clip \@box, @poly;


Cut-off all parts of the polygon which are outside the box


polygon_fill_clip1(ARRAY-$box, LIST-of-$points)
Clipping a polygon into rectangles can be done in various ways. With this algorithm (which I designed myself, but may not be new), the parts of the polygon which are outside the $box are mapped on the borders. The polygon stays in one piece.

Returned is one list of points, which is cleaned from double points, spikes and superfluous intermediate points.

polygon_fill_clip2(ARRAY-$box, LIST-of-$points)
To be implemented. The polygon falls apart in fragments, which are not connected: paths which are followed in two directions are removed. This is required by some applications, like polygons used in geographical context (country contours and such).
polygon_fill_clip3(ARRAY-$box, $out-$poly, [$in-$polys])
To be implemented. A surrounding polygon, with possible inclussions.
polygon_line_clip(ARRAY-$box, LIST-of-$points)
Returned is a list of ARRAYS (possibly 0 long) containing line pieces from the input polygon (or line).


 my @points = ( [1,2], [2,3], [2,0], [1,-1], [1,2] );
 my @bbox   = ( 0, -2, 2, 2 );
 my @l      = polygon_line_clip \@bbox, @points;
 print scalar @l;      # 1, only one piece found
 my @first = @{$l[0]}; # first is [2,0], [1,-1], [1,2]


Copyrights 2004,2006-2014 by [Mark Overmeer]. For other contributors see ChangeLog.

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