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C Client Library for memcached (libmemcached, -lmemcached)SYNOPSIS
#include <memcached.h>
const char *
memcached_lib_version (void)
memcached_version (memcached_st *ptr)
memcached_lib_version() is used to return a simple version string representing the libmemcached version (version of the client library, not server)memcached_version() is used to set the major, minor, and micro versions of each memcached server being used by the memcached_st connection structure. It returns the memcached server return code.
A string with the version of libmemcached driver is returned from memcached_lib_version()A value of type "memcached_return_t" is returned from memcached_version() On success that value will be "MEMCACHED_SUCCESS". If called with the "MEMCACHED_BEHAVIOR_USE_UDP" behavior set, the value "MEMCACHED_NOT_SUPPORTED" will be returned. Use memcached_strerror() to translate this value to a printable string.