meterec-init-conf <session-name>
meterec-init-conf is a batch script that will create an initial configuration file for meterec session. The script should be called while jackd is running. The session-file created will contain enough ports to match system:capture ports. Each meterec port will be connected to coresponding system:capture and system:playback.All ports will be in REC mode, THRU will be enabled and MUTE disabled (unmuted). all time indexes will be cleared and sampling rate informations will not be filled.
- <session-name>
Name of the session. If a file called <session-name>.mrec
already exists, it will be overwriten.
- <session-name>.mrec
- Contains current state of session: list of ports with connections, record mode, mute state, name, takes map. List of time indexes. Sampling rate.