version 0.108SYNOPSIS
package Your::Pkg;
use Mixin::Linewise::Readers -readers;
sub read_handle {
my ($self, $handle) = @_;
LINE: while (my $line = $handle->getline) {
next LINE if $line =~ /^#/;
print "non-comment: $line";
use Your::Pkg; Your::Pkg->read_file($filename); Your::Pkg->read_string($string); Your::Pkg->read_handle($fh);
"read_file" and "read_string" are exported by default. Either can be requested individually, or renamed. They are generated by Sub::Exporter, so consult its documentation for more information.Both can be generated with the option ``method'' which requests that a method other than ``read_handle'' is called with the created IO::Handle.
If given a ``binmode'' option, any "read_file" type functions will use that as an IO layer, otherwise, the default is "utf8_strict".
use Mixin::Linewise::Readers -readers => { binmode => "raw" }; use Mixin::Linewise::Readers -readers => { binmode => "encoding(iso-8859-1)" };
Your::Pkg->read_file($filename); Your::Pkg->read_file(\%options, $filename);
If generated, the "read_file" export attempts to open the named file for reading, and then calls "read_handle" on the opened handle.
An optional hash reference may be passed before $filename with options. The only valid option currently is "binmode", which overrides any default set from "use" or the built-in "utf8_strict".
Any arguments after $filename are passed along after to "read_handle".
Your::Pkg->read_string($string); Your::Pkg->read_string(\%option, $string);
If generated, the "read_string" creates a handle on the given string, and then calls "read_handle" on the opened handle. Because handles on strings must be octet-oriented, the string must contain octets. It will be opened in the default binmode established by importing. (See ``EXPORTS'', above.)
Any arguments after $string are passed along after to "read_handle".
Like "read_file", this method can take a leading hashref with one valid argument: "binmode".
Ricardo SIGNES <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2008 by Ricardo SIGNES.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.