mkfs.lustre{--ost|--mdt|--mgs} [options] device
<target_type> is one of
- --ost
- object storage target
- --mdt
- metadata storage target
- --mgs
- configuration management service - one per site. This service can be combined with one --mdt service by specifying both types
mkfs.lustre is used to format a disk device for use as part of a Lustre filesystem. After formatting, a disk can be mounted to start the Lustre service defined by this command.
- --backfstype=fstype
- Force a particular format for the backing fs (ext3, ldiskfs)
- --comment=comment
- Set user comment about this disk, ignored by Lustre.
- --device-size=KB
- Set device size for loop devices
- --dryrun
- Only print what would be done; does not affect the disk
- --failnode=nid,...
- Set the NID(s) of a failover partner. This option can be repeated as desired.
- --fsname=filesystem_name
- The Lustre filesystem this service will be part of. The maximum filesystem_name length is 8 characters. Default is 'lustre'
- --index=index
- Force a particular OST or MDT index
- --mkfsoptions=opts
- Format options for the backing fs. For example, ext3 options could be set here.
- --mountfsoptions=opts
- Set the mount options that will be used when mounting the backing fs. WARNING: unlike earlier versions of mkfs.lustre, this version completely replaces the default mount options with those specified on the command line, issuing a warning on stderr if any of the default mount options are omitted. The defaults for ldiskfs are OST: errors=remount-ro,mballoc,extents; MGS/MDT: errors=remount-ro,iopen_nopriv,user_xattr. DO NOT alter the default mount options unless you know what you are doing.
- --mgsnode=nid,...
- Set the NID(s) of the MGS node, required for all targets other than the MGS.
- --param key=value
Set permanent parameter
to value
This option can be repeated as desired. Typical options might include:
--param sys.timeout=40
- System obd timeout
- Default stripe size
- Default stripe count
- Return errors instead of waiting for recovery
--param sys.timeout=40
- --quiet
- Print less information.
- --reformat
- Reformat an existing Lustre disk
- --stripe-count-hint=stripes
- Used for optizing MDT inode size
- --verbose
Print more information.
- mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --mdt --mgs /dev/sda1
- Combined MGS and MDT for filesystem 'testfs' on node e.g. cfs21
- mkfs.lustre --fsname=testfs --ost --mgsnode=cfs21@tcp0 /dev/sdb
- OST for filesystem 'testfs' on any node using the above MGS.
- mkfs.lustre --mgs /dev/sda1
- Standalone MGS on e.g. node cfs22
- mkfs.lustre --fsname=myfs1 --mdt --mgsnode=cfs22@tcp0 /dev/sda2
MDT for filesystem 'myfs1' on any node, using the above MGS
Please report all bugs to Sun Microsystems via
mkfs.lustre is part of the Lustre(7) filesystem package and is available from Sun Microsystems via