mlpack_radical [-h] [-v] -i string [-a int] [-n double] [-O] [-o string] [-u string] [-r int] [-s int] [-S int] -V
An implementation of RADICAL, a method for independentcomponent analysis (ICA). Assuming that we have an input matrix X, thegoal is to find a square unmixing matrix W such that Y = W * X and the dimensions of Y are independent components. If the algorithm is runningparticularly slowly, try reducing the number of replicates.
- --input_file (-i) [string]
- Input dataset filename for ICA.
- --angles (-a) [int]
- Number of angles to consider in brute-force search during Radical2D. Default value 150.
- --help (-h)
- Default help info.
- --info [string]
- Get help on a specific module or option. Default value ''.
- --noise_std_dev (-n) [double]
- Standard deviation of Gaussian noise. Default value 0.175.
- --objective (-O)
- If set, an estimate of the final objective function is printed.
- --output_ic (-o) [string]
- File to save independent components to. Default value 'output_ic.csv'.
- --output_unmixing (-u) [string]
- File to save unmixing matrix to. Default value 'output_unmixing.csv'.
- --replicates (-r) [int]
- Number of Gaussian-perturbed replicates to use (per point) in Radical2D. Default value 30.
- --seed (-s) [int]
- Random seed. If 0, 'std::time(NULL)' is used. Default value 0.
- --sweeps (-S) [int]
- Number of sweeps; each sweep calls Radical2D once for each pair of dimensions. Default value 0.
- --verbose (-v)
- Display informational messages and the full list of parameters and timers at the end of execution.
- --version (-V)
- Display the version of mlpack.
For further information, including relevant papers, citations, and theory, consult the documentation found at or included with your DISTRIBUTION OF MLPACK.