mlpack::kmeans::RandomPartition(3) A very simple partitioner which partitions the data randomly into the number of desired clusters.


Public Member Functions

RandomPartition ()
Empty constructor, required by the InitialPartitionPolicy policy.

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename MatType > static void Cluster (const MatType &data, const size_t clusters, arma::Col< size_t > &assignments)
Partition the given dataset into the given number of clusters.

Detailed Description

A very simple partitioner which partitions the data randomly into the number of desired clusters.

It has no parameters, and so an instance of the class is not even necessary.

Definition at line 36 of file random_partition.hpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mlpack::kmeans::RandomPartition::RandomPartition () [inline]

Empty constructor, required by the InitialPartitionPolicy policy.

Definition at line 40 of file random_partition.hpp.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename MatType > static void mlpack::kmeans::RandomPartition::Cluster (const MatType &data, const size_tclusters, arma::Col< size_t > &assignments) [inline], [static]

Partition the given dataset into the given number of clusters. Assignments are random, and the number of points in each cluster should be equal (or approximately equal).

Template Parameters:

MatType Type of data (arma::mat or arma::sp_mat).


data Dataset to partition.
clusters Number of clusters to split dataset into.
assignments Vector to store cluster assignments into. Values will be between 0 and (clusters - 1).

Definition at line 54 of file random_partition.hpp.


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