Version 0.03SYNOPSIS
Access files installed with your module without needing to specify an install location on the target filesystem.Setup
In Build.PL:
my $build = new Module::Build(...); map{$build->add_build_element($_);} qw{txt html tmpl}; # installs all .txt, .html and .tmpl files found in the lib/ tree
Create files:
Build.PL lib/ My/ Module/ index.html data.txt form.tmpl
Object-Oriented Interface
use base qw{Module::Bundled::Files}; if($self->mbf_exists('data.txt')){...} my $filename = $self->mbf_path('data.txt'); # $filename = '/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/My/Module/data.txt'; open my $fh, '<', $filename or die $@; my $fh = $self->mbf_open('data.txt'); while(<$fh>) { ... } my $data = $self->mbf_read('data.txt');
Non-Object-Oriented Interface
use Module::Bundled::Files qw{:all}; my $object = new Other::Object; if(mf_exists($other,'otherfile.txt')){...} my $filename = mbf_path($object,'otherfile.txt'); open my $fh, '<', $filename or die $@; my $fh = mbf_open($object,'otherfile.txt'); while(<$fh>) { ... } my $data = mbf_read($object,'otherfile.txt');
This module provides an simple method of accessing files that need to be bundled with a module.For example, a module My::Module, which needs to access a separate file data.txt.
In your development directory you would place your data.txt in your lib/My/Module/ directory.
lib/ My/ Module/ data.txt
Using add_build_element(...) in your Build.PL file allows the data.txt file to be installed in the same relative location.
The file(s) can then be accessed using the mbf_* functions provided by this module.
The following functions can be exported if you will not be using the Object-Oriented Interface.
:all mbf_validate mbf_dir mbf_exists mbf_path mbf_open mbf_read
Returns true if the filename does not contain illegal sequences (i.e. '..')Dies if filename is invalid.
Returns the path of the directory where all files would be installed.The non-OO interface requires an object reference or module name as the only parameter.
mbf_exists([MODULE,] FILENAME)
Returns true of the named file has been bundled with the module.The non-OO interface requires an object reference or module name as the first parameter.
mbf_path([MODULE,] FILENAME)
Returns the full path to the named file. Dies if the file does not exist.Will look for file in inherited classes (by reading @ISA) if the file is not found for the derived class. @ISA navigation is the same as per Perl searching for methods. See Class::ISA for more details.
The non-OO interface requires an object reference or module name as the first parameter.
mbf_open([MODULE,] FILENAME)
Returns an open file handle for the named file. Dies if the file does not exist.The non-OO interface requires an object reference or module name as the first parameter.
mbf_read([MODULE,] FILENAME)
Returns the content of the named file. Dies if the file does not exist.The non-OO interface requires an object reference or module name as the first parameter.
Paul Campbell, "<[email protected]>"BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to "[email protected]", or through the web interface at <>. I will be notified, and then you will automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.#=head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
Copyright 2005 Paul Campbell, all rights reserved.This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.