use Mojo::WebSocket qw(WS_TEXT build_frame parse_frame);
my $bytes = build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_TEXT, 'Hello World!';
my $frame = parse_frame \$bytes, 262144;
Mojo::WebSocket implements the WebSocket protocol as described in RFC 6455 <>. Note that 64-bit frames require a Perl with support for quads or they are limited to 32-bit.FUNCTIONS
Mojo::WebSocket implements the following functions, which can be imported individually.build_frame
my $bytes = build_frame $masked, $fin, $rsv1, $rsv2, $rsv3, $op, $payload;
Build WebSocket frame.
# Masked binary frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_BINARY, 'Hello World!'; # Text frame with payload but without FIN bit say build_frame 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, WS_TEXT, 'Hello '; # Continuation frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_CONTINUATION, 'World!'; # Close frame with FIN bit and without payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_CLOSE, ''; # Ping frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PING, 'Test 123'; # Pong frame with FIN bit and payload say build_frame 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, WS_PONG, 'Test 123';
my $bool = challenge Mojo::Transaction::WebSocket->new;
Check WebSocket handshake challenge.
my $tx = client_handshake Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new;
Perform WebSocket handshake client-side.
my $frame = parse_frame \$bytes, $limit;
Parse WebSocket frame.
# Parse single frame and remove it from buffer my $frame = parse_frame \$buffer, 262144; say "FIN: $frame->[0]"; say "RSV1: $frame->[1]"; say "RSV2: $frame->[2]"; say "RSV3: $frame->[3]"; say "Opcode: $frame->[4]"; say "Payload: $frame->[5]";
my $tx = server_handshake Mojo::Transaction::HTTP->new;
Perform WebSocket handshake server-side.