version 0.101343SYNOPSIS
use MooseX::Types::Perl qw(
This library provides Moose types for checking things (mostly strings) against syntax that is, or is a reasonable subset of, Perl syntax.TYPES
These types are identical, and expect a string that could be a package or module name. That's basically a bunch of identifiers stuck together with double-colons. One key quirk is that parts of the package name after the first may begin with digits.The use of an apostrophe as a package separator is not permitted.
The DistName type checks for a string like "MooseX-Types-Perl", the sort of thing used to name CPAN distributions. In general, it's like the more familiar ModuleName, but with hyphens instead of double-colons.In reality, a few distribution names may not match this pattern --- most famously, "" is the name of the distribution that contains CGI. These exceptions are few and far between, and deciding what a "LaxDistName" type would look like has not seemed worth it, yet.
An Identifier is something that could be used as a symbol name or other identifier (filehandle, directory handle, subroutine name, format name, or label). It's what you put after the sigil (dollar sign, at sign, percent sign) in a variable name. Generally, it's a bunch of alphanumeric characters not starting with a digit.Although Perl identifiers may contain non-ASCII characters in some circumstances, this type does not allow it. A "UnicodeIdentifier" type may be added in the future.
SafeIdentifiers are just like Identifiers, but omit the single-letter variables underscore, a, and b, as these have special significance.LaxVersionStr
Lax and strict version strings use the is_lax and is_strict methods from "version" to check if the given string would be a valid lax or strict version. version::Internals covers the details but basically: lax versions are everything you may do, and strict omit many of the usages best avoided.VersionObject
Just for good measure, this type is included to check if a value is a version object. Coercions from LaxVersionStr (and thus StrictVersionStr) are provided.AUTHOR
Ricardo SIGNES <[email protected]>COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE
This software is copyright (c) 2014 by Ricardo SIGNES.This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.