nauty-vcolg(1) colour the vertices of graphs in all distinct ways


vcolg [,-q/] [,-u|-T|-G|-A|-B/] [,-e#|-e#:#/] [,-m#/] [,-f#/] [,-D#|-r#|-l#/] [,infile /[,outfile/]]


Read undirected loop-free graphs and colour their vertices in
in all possible ways with colours 0,1,2,... . Isomorphic graphs derived from the same input are suppressed. If the input graphs are non-isomorphic then the output graphs are also.
-e# | -e#:#
specify a value or range of the total value of the colours
-m# number of available colours (default 2)
-f# Use the group that fixes the first # vertices setwise
use a simple text output format (nv ne {col} {v1 v2})
no output, just count them
suppress auxiliary information