Other Alias
ne_request_dispatch, ne_request_destroySYNOPSIS
#include <ne_request.h>
- ne_request *ne_request_create(ne_session *session, const char *method, const char *path);
- int ne_request_dispatch(ne_request *req);
- void ne_request_destroy(ne_request *req);
The path string used must conform to the abs_path definition given in RFC2396, with an optional "?query" part, and must be URI-escaped by the caller (for instance, using ne_path_escape). If the string comes from an untrusted source, failure to perform URI-escaping results in a security vulnerability.
To dispatch a request, and process the response, the ne_request_dispatch function can be used. An alternative is to use the (more complex, but more flexible) combination of the ne_begin_request, ne_end_request, and ne_read_response_block functions; see ne_begin_request.
To add extra headers in the request, the functions ne_add_request_header and ne_print_request_header can be used. To include a message body with the request, one of the functions ne_set_request_body_buffer, ne_set_request_body_fd, or ne_set_request_body_provider can be used.
The return value of ne_request_dispatch indicates merely whether the request was sent and the response read successfully. To discover the result of the operation, ne_get_status, along with any processing of the response headers and message body.
A request can only be dispatched once: calling ne_request_dispatch more than once on a single ne_request object produces undefined behaviour. Once all processing associated with the request object is complete, use the ne_request_destroy function to destroy the resources associated with it. Any subsequent use of the request object produces undefined behaviour.
If a request is being using a non-idempotent method such as POST, the NE_REQFLAG_IDEMPOTENT flag should be disabled; see ne_set_request_flag.
The ne_request_create function returns a pointer to a request object (and never NULL).
The ne_request_dispatch function returns zero if the request was dispatched successfully, and a non-zero error code otherwise.
- Request failed (see session error string)
- The DNS lookup for the server (or proxy server) failed.
- Authentication failed on the server.
- Authentication failed on the proxy server.
- A connection to the server could not be established.
- A timeout occurred while waiting for the server to respond.
An example of applying a MKCOL operation to the resource at the location http://www.example.com/foo/bar/:
ne_session *sess = ne_session_create("http", "www.example.com", 80); ne_request *req = ne_request_create(sess, "MKCOL", "/foo/bar/"); if (ne_request_dispatch(req)) { printf("Request failed: %s\n", ne_get_error(sess)); } ne_request_destroy(req);
Joe Orton <neon@lists.manyfish.co.uk>
- Author.