use NetApp::Filer;
use NetApp::Aggregate;
my $filer = NetApp::Filer->new({ .... });
my @volume_names = $filer->get_volume_names;
my @volumes = $filer->get_volumes;
my $volume = $filer->get_volume( 'volname' );
This class encapsulates a single NetApp filer volume, and provides methods for querying information about the volume and it's sub-objects (eg. qtrees), as well as methods for managing the volume itself.INSTANCE METHODS
Returns the NetApp::Filer object representing the filer on which the aggregate exists.get_name
Returns the name of the volume as a string.get_states, get_statuses, get_options
Each of these methods returns a list of strings, each of which represents a single state, status, or option for the volume.
NOTE: All you English grammar pluralization rules fanatics can give up trying to convince the author to call that one method get_stati.
get_state( $state ), get_status( $status ), get_option( $option )
Each of these methods returns the value for the specified state, status or option. If that particular key wasn't present, then this method will return undef. This makes it easy to tell the difference between a key that doesn't exist, and one that has a false value.set_option( $option => $value )
This method sets a single option to the specified value. It always returns true, and raises a fatal exception if it can not set the option.get_aggregate_name
Returns the name of the aggregate on which the volume lives. For a ``traditonal'' volume, this will be a false value.get_aggregate
Returns the NetApp::Aggregate object representing the aggregate on which the volume lives. For a ``traditonal'' volume, this will be a false value.get_qtree_names
Returns a list of strings, each of which is the name of a qtree on the volume.get_qtrees
Returns a list of NetApp::Qtree objects, each of which represents a single qtree on the volume.get_qtree( $name )
Returns a single NetApp::Qtree object for the specified qtree name. The name must in the form of a pathname, for example:
The qtree_name is optional if querying the object for a volume's qtree. This method simply returns nothing if the specified qtree doesn't exist on the volume.
Returns a string representing the language code for the volume.set_language( $language )
Set the language code to the specified value. Always returns a true value, or raises a fatal exception if the language code can not be set.get_size
Returns the size of the volume as a string.set_size( $size )
This method sets the size of the volume to the specified value. In all cases, the $size value is of the same form accepted by the create() method, and the underlying ONTAP CLI command:
[+|-] <number> k|m|g|t
Returns the maxfiles value for the volume.set_maxfiles( $maxfiles )
Sets the maxfiles value for the volume.is_clone
Returns true if the volume is a clone, false otherwise.get_parent_name
Returns a string representing the name of the parent volume, if this volume is a clone.get_parent
Returns a NetApp::Volume object representing the parent volume, if this volume is a clone.get_snapshot_name
Returns a string representing the snapshot name, if the volume is a clone.get_snapshot
NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. This will return a NetApp::Snapshot object, once the API is extended to support snapshots (RSN, I'm sure...)get_snapmirrors
Returns a list of NetApp::Snapmirror objects, each of which represents a snapmirror relationship for this volume.offline( %args )
Takes the volume offline. The arguments are as follows:
$volume->offline( # Optional arguments cifsdelaytime => $cifsdelaytime, );
online( %args )
Bring the volume online. The arguments are as follows:
$volume->online( # Optional arguments force => 1, );
rename( %args )
Renames the volume to the specified newname. Always returns a true value, and raises a fatal exception if the name can not be changed. The arguments are as follows:
$volume->rename( # Required arguments newname => $newname, );
restrict( %args )
Puts the volume into the restricted state. The arguments are as follows:
$volume->restrict( # Optional arguments cifsdelaytime => $cifsdelaytime, );
Snapshot Specific Methods
get_snapshotsReturns a list of NetApp::Snapshot objects for each of the snapshots of the volume.
get_snapshot( $name )
Returns a single NetApp::Snapshot object matching the specified name, if it exists for the volume.
create_snapshot( $name )
Creates a snapshot of the volume with the specified name.
delete_snapshot( $name )
Deletes a snapshot of the volume with the specified name.
Returns a list of NetApp::Snapshot::Delta objects for each snapshot delta for the volume.
Returns a string representing the amount of reserved space, as a percentage. This string does NOT include the % sign.
set_snapshot_reserved( $percentage )
Sets the snapshot reserved space to the specified percentage, which should also NOT include the % sign.
Returns a NetApp::Snapshot::Schedule object representing the snapshot schedule for the volume.
set_snapshot_schedule( %args )
Sets the snapshot schedule for the volume based on the arguments passed. The argument syntax is:
$volume->set_snapshot_schedule( weekly => $weekly, daily => $daily, hourly => $hourly, hourlist => [ $hour1, $hour2, $hour3, .... ], );
This method turns on snapshot autodelete for the volume.
This method turns off snapshot autodelete for the volume.
This method resets snapshot autodelete for the volume to the filer defaults.
set_snapshot_autodelete_option( $name => $value )
Sets the specified snapshot autodelete option ($name) to the specified $value.
get_snapshot_autodelete_option( $name )
Returns the value of the specified autodelete option ($name). Note that if the prefix is ``(not specified)'', then the value returned is the empty string.
The following ONTAP vol commands are not implemented, because the same functionality and information is provided through this API via some other means.container
The aggregate containing the volume can be obtained using:
which will return the NetApp::Aggregate object for it.
All other commands will be implemented in a future release of this API. Commands for flexible volumes will most likely have preference over traditional volumes.autosize
It's not yet clear just how this one should be implemented, since the command does several things. It enables and disables the autosize feature, or resets it to defaults, and it also sets the maximum and incremental sizes to autosize to.This could be implemented a few different ways, for example:
$volume->autosize( # Optional arguments maximum => $maximum, incremental => $incremental, # Optional, but mutually exclusive: on => 1, off => 1, reset => 1, );
That seems a little clumsy, though. Perhaps a better interface would be to have methods to control the state of the feature:
$volume->enable_autosize; $volume->disable_autosize; $volume->reset_autosize;
and then methods to set/get the autosize values:
$volume_set_autosize( # Required but mutually exclusive options maximum => $maximum, incremental => $incremental, ); $volume->get_autosize;