Net::EPP::Frame::Command(3) an instance of Net::EPP::Frame for client commands


This module is a base class for the Net::EPP::Frame::* subclasses, you should never need to access it directly.




        my $object = $frame->addObject(@spec);

This method creates and returns a new element corresponding to the data in @spec, and appends it to the ``command'' element (as returned by the "getCommandType()" method below).

The Net::EPP::Frame::ObjectSpec module can be used to quickly retrieve EPP object specifications.

        my $type = $frame->getCommandType;

This method returns a scalar containing the command type (eg 'create').

        my $type = $frame->getCommandNode;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the command in question, eg the "<create>" element (for a Net::EPP::Frame::Command::Create object). It is within this element that EPP objects are placed.

        my $node = $frame->command;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<command>" element.

        my $node = $frame->clTRID;

This method returns the XML::LibXML::Element object corresponding to the "<clTRID>" element.


CentralNic Ltd (


This module is (c) 2016 CentralNic Ltd. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.