perl -e 'use base qw(Net::Server::PSGI); main->run(port => 8080, ipv => "*")' # runs a default echo server
use base qw(Net::Server::PSGI);
__PACKAGE__->run(app => \&my_echo_handler); # will bind IPv4 port 80
sub my_echo_handler {
my $env = shift;
my $txt = qq{<form method="post" action="/bam"><input type="text" name="foo"><input type="submit"></form>\n};
require Data::Dumper;
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
require CGI::PSGI;
my $form = {};
my $q = CGI::PSGI->new($env);
$form->{$_} = $q->param($_) for $q->param;
$txt .= "<pre>".Data::Dumper->Dump([$env, $form], ['env', 'form'])."</pre>";
return [200, ['Content-type', 'text/html'], [$txt]];
If you want a more fully featured PSGI experience, it would be wise to look at the Plack and Starman set of modules. Net::Server::PSGI is intended as an easy gateway into PSGI. But to get the most out of all that PSGI has to offer, you should review the Plack and Plack::Middleware. If you only need something a little more rudimentary, then Net::Server::PSGI may be good for you.Net::Server::PSGI takes Net::Server::HTTP one level farther. It begins with base type MultiType defaulting to Net::Server::Fork. It is easy to change it to any of the other Net::Server flavors by passing server_type => $other_flavor in the server configuration. The port has also been defaulted to port 80 - but could easily be changed to another through the server configuration. You can also very easily add ssl by including, proto=>``ssl'' and provide a SSL_cert_file and SSL_key_file.
For example, here is a basic server that will bind to all interfaces, will speak both HTTP on port 8080 as well as HTTPS on 8443, and will speak both IPv4, as well as IPv6 if it is available.
use base qw(Net::Server::PSGI); __PACKAGE__->run( port => [8080, "8443/ssl"], ipv => '*', # IPv6 if available SSL_key_file => '/my/key', SSL_cert_file => '/my/cert', );
- "process_request"
- This method has been overridden in Net::Server::PSGI - you should not use it while using Net::Server::PSGI. This overridden method parses the environment and sets up request alarms and handles dying failures. It calls process_psgi_request once the request is ready and headers have been parsed.
- "process_psgi_request"
Used when psgi_enabled is true. During this method, find_psgi_handler
will be called to return the appropriate psgi response handler. Once
finished, print_psgi_headers and print_psgi_body are used to print out
the response. See PSGI.
Typically this method should not be overridden. Instead, an appropriate method for finding the app should be given to find_psgi_handler or app.
- "find_psgi_handler"
Used to lookup the appropriate PSGI handler. A reference to the
already parsed $env hashref is passed. PATH_INFO will be initialized
to the full path portion of the URI. SCRIPT_NAME will be initialized
to the empty string. This handler should set the appropriate values
for SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO depending upon the path matched. A code
reference for the handler should be returned. The default
find_psgi_handler will call the "app" method. If that fails a
reference to the psgi_echo_handler is returned as the default
sub find_psgi_handler { my ($self, $env) = @_; if ($env->{'PATH_INFO'} && $env->{'PATH_INFO'} =~ s{^ (/foo) (?= $ | /) }{}x) { $env->{'SCRIPT_NAME'} = $1; return \&foo_app; } return $self->SUPER::find_psgi_handler($env); }
- "app"
Return a reference to the application being served. This should
be a valid PSGI application. See PSGI. By default it will look
at the value of the "app" configuration option. The "app" method
may also be used to set the "app" configuration option.
package MyApp; use base qw(Net::Server::PSGI); sub default_server_type { 'Prefork' } sub my_app { my $env = shift; return [200, ['Content-type', 'text/html'], ["Hello world"]]; } MyApp->run(app => \&my_app); # OR sub app { \&my_app } MyApp->run; # OR my $server = MyApp->new; $server->app(\&my_app); $server->run;
In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server::HTTP base classes you can also set the following options.- app
- Should return a coderef of the PSGI application. Is returned by the app method.