- I
- (Integer, Input) - A subscript indexing the first dimensioned variable in the output grid of the most recent call to NATGRIDS.
- J
- (Integer, Input) - A subscript indexing the second dimensioned variable in the output grid of the most recent call to NATGRIDS.
- (Real, Output) - The slope at the grid point Z(I,J), where Z is the output grid in the most recent call to NATGRIDS.
- (Integer, Output) - An error return value. If IER is returned as 0, then no errors were detected. If IER is non-zero, then refer to the man page for natgrid_errors for details.
To use NNGETSLOPES, load the NCAR Graphics library ngmath.COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.