ns_crypt key saltDESCRIPTION
ns_crypt encrypted the key, also known as the password, using the salt and returns the result. It uses the same algorithm as the unix crypt command.
The result from ns_crypt is a 13-character string. The first two characters correspond to the salt, and the remaining eleven characters correspond to the password encrypted with the specified salt.
The password is a string (typically that of a password to be used for nscp and/or nsperm authentication).
salt should be two characters, typically from the set [a-zA-Z0-9./]. If the empty string is specified as the salt then ns_crypt returns the empty string. If a string longer than two characters is specified for the salt it is truncated to two characters. If a one character salt is provided the output will appear to have a two-character salt (the single character repeated), however, the encrypted value does not correspond to the same password being encrypted with the equivalent two character salt. (As a result sticking with a two character salt is highly recommended.)
Input to ns_crypt is case-sensitive.
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver ns
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver NS
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver tcl
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver tc
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver ..
nscp> ns_crypt aolserver .