obus-gen-interface [ options ] input-file
obus-gen-interface generates an OCaml module from a D-Bus introspection file. The generated module contains methods, signals and properties definitions. It is required for by both client-side and server-side code.
Note that the files generated by obus-gen-interface are not meant to be edited.
- -o output-prefix
Use this name as output prefix. It defaults to the input file name
without its extension and extended with "_interfaces". For example, if
the input file name is "foo.xml" (or "foo.obus"), then
"obus-gen-interface" will generate "" and
- -keep-common
Keeps common interfaces, i.e. all interfaces starting with
"org.freedesktop.DBus". By default they are dropped.
- -mode {both|client|server}
Set the code generation mode. It defaults to "both". In "client" mode,
only code for client-side use is generated. In "server" mode, only
code for server-side use is generated. In "both" mode, code for
client-side and server-side use is generated.
- -help or --help
Display a short usage summary and exit.