ola_streaming_client(1) Stream data to the OLA server.


ola_streaming_client [ options ]


ola_streaming_client is used to stream DMX512 data to olad(1). If DMX512 data isn't provided, it will read from STDIN.


-h, --help
Display the help message.
-d, --dmx <dmx data>
The DMX512 data to send, e.g. '1,240,0,255'
-l, --log-level <int8_t>
Set the logging level 0 .. 4.
-u, --universe <universe-id>
Id of the universe to send data for.
-v, --version
Print ola_streaming_client version information
Send to syslog rather than stderr.
Disable the use of epoll(), revert to select()
Disable the use of kqueue(), revert to select()
--scheduler-policy <policy>
The thread scheduling policy, one of {fifo, rr}.
--scheduler-priority <priority>
The thread priority, only used if --scheduler-policy is set.