oneflow(1) Manage oneFlow Services


oneflow command [args] [options]


 -j, --json                Print the resource in JSON
 -t, --top                 Top for the command
 -d, --delay x             Sets the delay in seconds for top command
 -f, --force               Force the new cardinality even if it is outside
                           the limits
 -p, --period x            Seconds between each group of actions
 -n, --number x            Number of VMs to apply the action to each period
 -s, --server url          Service endpoint
 -u, --username name       User name
 -p, --password pass       User password
 -V, --version             Show version and copyright information
 -h, --help                Show this message


list List the available services valid options: json
show service_id Show detailed information of a given service valid options: json
top [service_id] Top the services or the extended information of the target service if a id is specified valid options: json, top, delay
delete range|service_id_list Delete a given service
shutdown range|service_id_list Shutdown a service. From RUNNING or WARNING shuts down the Service
recover range|service_id_list Recover a failed service, cleaning the failed VMs. From FAILED_DEPLOYING continues deploying the Service From FAILED_SCALING continues scaling the Service From FAILED_UNDEPLOYING continues shutting down the Service From COOLDOWN the Service is set to running ignoring the cooldown duration From WARNING failed VMs are deleted, and new VMs are instantiated
scale service_id role_name cardinality Scale a role to the given cardinality valid options: force
chgrp range|service_id_list groupid Changes the service group
chown range|service_id_list userid [groupid] Changes the service owner and group
chmod range|service_id_list octet Changes the service permissions
action service_id role_name vm_action Perform an action on all the Virtual Machines of a given role. Actions supported: shutdown, shutdown-hard, undeploy, undeploy-hard, hold, release, stop, suspend, resume, boot, delete, delete-recreate, reboot, reboot-hard, poweroff, poweroff-hard, snapshot-create valid options: period, number


file Path to a file
range List of id's in the form 1,8..15
text String
groupid OpenNebula GROUP name or id
userid OpenNebula USER name or id
service_id OpenNebula SERVICE name or id
service_id_list Comma-separated list of OpenNebula SERVICE names or ids
vm_action Actions supported: shutdown, shutdown-hard, undeploy, undeploy-hard, hold, release, stop, suspend, resume, boot, delete, delete-recreate, reboot, reboot-hard, poweroff, poweroff-hard, snapshot-create


OpenNebula 4.12.3 Copyright 2002-2015, OpenNebula Project (, C12G Labs

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at