[,options/] ,<input file>/
ossim-ogeom2ogeom takes an input geometry (or image) and creates a converted output geometry
- --cg
Create a coarse grid projection
- --disable-adjustments
Current applies to coarse grid. It will try to make
the grid adjustable if the input projection is
- --disable-elev
Will disable the elevation
- --disable-notify
Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE,
INFO, FATAL, DEBUG. If you want multiple disables then
just do multiple --disable-notify on the command line.
All argument are case insensitive. Default is all are
- --disable-plugin
Will disable the plugin loader
- --noelev
the projection but 0 out the elevation
- --ossim-logfile
takes a logfile as an argument. All output messages
are redirected to the specified log file. By default
there is no log file and all messages are enabled.
- --output
Override the default output name
- --rect
4 values ulx uly width height
- --rpc
Create an RPC projection
- --rpc-gridsize
defines the grid size for the rpc estimate default is
--rpc-gridsize="10 10"
- --tolerance
Used as an error tolerance. Currently on coarse grid
uses it and is the pixel error for the estimate
- -K
specify individual keywords to add to the preferences
keyword list: name=value
- -P
specify a preference file to load
- -T
specify the classes to trace, ex:
will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes
- -h or --help
Display this information