ossim-pixelflip [,options/] ,<output_type> <input_file> <output_file> <target_value> <replacement_value>/DESCRIPTION
Description: ossim-pixelflip flips any null pixels to a valid pixelOPTIONS
- --disable-elev
- Will disable the elevation
- --disable-notify
- Takes an argument. Arguments are ALL, WARN, NOTICE, INFO, FATAL, DEBUG. If you want multiple disables then just do multiple --disable-notify on the command line. All argument are case insensitive. Default is all are enabled.
- --disable-plugin
- Will disable the plugin loader
- --ossim-logfile
- takes a logfile as an argument. All output messages are redirected to the specified log file. By default there is no log file and all messages are enabled.
- -K
- specify individual keywords to add to the preferences keyword list: name=value
- -P
- specify a preference file to load
- -T
- specify the classes to trace, ex: ossimInit|ossimImage.* will trace ossimInit and all ossimImage classes
- -c or --clamp-value
- clamp values (any pixel with value larger than input will be clamped to input)
- -h or --help
- Display this information
- -m
- Replacement mode (see notes below)
- -o or --create-overview
- Creates and overview for the output image
- -w
- output tile width(only valid with tiled output types). Must be a multiply of 16
NOTES: -m Replacement mode option explanation:
- Valid modes (default=replace_all_targets) :
- replace_partial_targets replace_partial_targets_all_bands replace_full_targets replace_all_targets (default=all)
If mode is "replace_all_targets" (default): Any pixel with dn of target will be replaced.
If mode is "replace_partial_targets": Target will be replaced only at least one subpixel(band) does not have the target.
If mode is "replace_partial_targets_all_bands": Target will be replaced only at least one subpixel(band) does not have the target. All bands will be replaced. This is a good Landsat7 edge fixer...
If mode is "replace_full_targets": Target will be replaced only if all subpixels(bands) have the target.
- Example: target = 0 replacement = 1 Pixel at (0, 0) r=0, g=0, b=0 Pixel at (0, 1) r=0, g=30, b=21
- Mode is "replace_all_targets": Pixel at (0, 0) becomes r=1, g=1, b=1 Pixel at (0, 1) becomes r=1, g=30, b=21
- Mode is "replace_partial_targets": Pixel at (0, 0) remains r=0, g=0, b=0 Pixel at (0, 1) becomes r=1, g=30, b=21
- Mode is "replace_partial_targets_all_bands": Pixel at (0, 0) remains r=0, g=0, b=0 Pixel at (0, 1) becomes r=1, g=1, b=1
- Mode is "replace_full_targets": Pixel at (0, 0) becomes r=1, g=1, b=1 Pixel at (0, 1) remains r=0, g=30, b=21
Valid output writer types: tiff_strip tiff_strip_band_separate tiff_tiled tiff_tiled_band_separate jpeg general_raster_bip general_raster_bil general_raster_bsq general_raster_bip_envi general_raster_bil_envi general_raster_bsq_envi nitf_block_band_separate nitf_block_band_sequential nitf20_block_band_separate nitf20_block_band_sequential ossim_pdf