- ostree commit [OPTIONS...] --branch= {BRANCH} [PATH]
--subject, -s="SUBJECT"
- One line subject. (optional)
--body, -m="BODY"
- Full description. (optional)
--editor, -e
- Open a text editor for the commit description. It will use OSTREE_EDITOR, VISUAL, EDITOR, or vi, in descending order of preference. The commit will be aborted if the message is left empty.
--branch, -b="BRANCH"
- Branch. Required, unless --orphan is given.
--tree="dir=PATH" or "tar=TARFILE" or "ref=COMMIT"
- Overlay the given argument as a tree.
- Add a key/value pair to metadata.
- Add a key/value pair to detached metadata.
- Set file ownership user id.
- Set file ownership group id.
- Do not import extended attributes.
- Optimize for commits of trees composed of hardlinks into the repository.
- When loading tar archives, automatically create parent directories as needed.
- If the contents are unchanged from previous commit, do nothing.
- File containing list of modifications to make permissions (file mode, followed by space, followed by file path).
- File containing list of file paths to skip (one path per line).
- Output more information in a KEY: VALUE format.
- Generate size information along with commit metadata.
- GPG Key ID with which to sign the commit (if have GPGME - GNU Privacy Guard Made Easy).
- GPG home directory to use when looking for keyrings (if have GPGME - GNU Privacy Guard Made Easy).
- Override the timestamp of the commit to TIMESTAMP.
- Create a commit without writing to a ref (branch)
- POLICY is a boolean which specifies whether fsync should be used or not. Default to true.
$ ostree commit --branch=my-branch --subject="Initial commit"