The papersize file is used to specify the preferred paper size to use by available commands and programs generating documents.The format of this file is extremely simple: whitespace and anything starting with `#' is ignored, and the name of the paper is the first string found; the case in the name of the paper does not import (see CAVEATS section however).
The following names are commonly understood by programs: a3, a4, a5, b5, letter, legal, executive, note and 11x17.Additional paper names that one may encounter are: a0, a1, a2, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, tabloid, statement, note, halfletter, halfexecutive, folio, quarto, ledger, archA, archB, archC, archD, archE, flsa, flse, csheet, dsheet, esheet and 10x14.
The value of the papersize file can be overrideen by looking in order at the PAPERSIZE environment variable, then at the contents of the file specified by the PAPERCONF environment variable. If the papersize file does not exist, programs using the paper library default to using letter as a fall-back value