comparative analysis of two alternative sources of annotation
[,options/] ,reference.gff3 prediction.gff3/
Basic options:
- -d|--debug:
Print debugging messages
- -h|--help:
Print help message and exit
- -l|--delta: INT
Extend gene loci by this many nucleotides;
default is 0
- -V|--verbose:
Print verbose warning messages
- -v|--version:
Print version number and exit
Output options:
- -a|--datashare: STRING
Location from which to copy shared data for
HTML output (if `make install' has not yet
been run)
- -f|--outformat: STRING
Indicate desired output format; possible
options: 'csv', 'text', or 'html'
(default='text'); in 'text' or 'csv' mode,
will create a single file; in 'html' mode,
will create a directory
- -g|--nogff3:
Do no print GFF3 output corresponding to each
- -o|--outfile: FILENAME
File/directory to which output will be
written; default is the terminal (STDOUT)
- -p|--nopng:
In HTML output mode, skip generation of PNG
graphics for each gene locus
- -s|--summary:
Only print summary statistics, do not print
individual comparisons
- -w|--overwrite:
Force overwrite of any existing output files
- -x|--refrlabel: STRING
Optional label for reference annotations
- -y|--predlabel: STRING
Optional label for prediction annotations
Filtering options:
- -k|--makefilter
Create a default configuration file for
filtering reported results and quit,
performing no comparisons
- -r|--filterfile: STRING
Use the indicated configuration file to
filter reported results;
- -t|--maxtrans: INT
Maximum transcripts allowed per locus; use 0
to disable limit; default is 32