pcapdump(1) dedicated packet capture utility


pcapdump [OPTIONS]...


pcapdump captures packets from a network interface and writes them to a dumpfile. The filename argument given to -w will be formated by strftime(3).


-i interface
Input interface to read packets from.
-r pcap file
Dump file to read packets from.
-w pcap file
Dump file to write filtered packets to.
-f expression
BPF expression which selects packets to be filtered.
-s snaplen
Capture snaplen bytes of data from each packet.
Disable promiscuous mode sniffing.


-u owner
Set the output file's owning user to owner.
-g group
Set the output file's owning group to group.
-m mode
Set the output file's mode to mode, specified in octal.
-t secs
Dump file rotation interval in seconds.
-c count
Exit after capturing count packets.
-T secs
Exit after capturing during this amount of seconds.
Only capture link, network, and transport headers; do not capture application-layer data.
-S sample value
Sample the packet stream by only dumping 1 in every sample value packets.
Together with -S, sample the packets randomly, not systematically.
-P pidfile
Daemonize the process and write its PID to pidfile.
-C config file
File to read configuration variables from. Instead of passing configuration through the command line, a file can be used to specify values for the bpf, device, filefmt, group, interval, mode, owner, promisc, and snaplen options (not all need to be specified; defaults will be used otherwise). See /usr/share/doc/pcaputils/examples/pcapdump/eth0 for an example.