Perinci::Object(3) Object-oriented interface for Rinci metadata


This document describes version 0.24 of Perinci::Object (from Perl distribution Perinci-Object), released on 2015-09-03.


use Perinci::Object; # automatically exports risub(), rivar(), ripkg(),
# envres(), envresmulti(), riresmeta()
use Data::Dump; # for dd()
# OO interface to function metadata.
my $risub = risub {
v => 1.1,
summary => 'Calculate foo and bar',
"summary.alt.lang.id_ID" => 'Menghitung foo dan bar',
args => { a1 => { schema => 'int*' }, a2 => { schema => 'str' } },
features => { pure=>1 },
dd $risub->type, # "function"
$risub->v, # 1.1
$risub->arg('a1'), # { schema=>'int*' }
$risub->arg('a3'), # undef
$risub->feature('pure'), # 1
$risub->feature('foo'), # undef
$risub->langprop('summary'), # 'Calculate foo and bar'
$risub->langprop({lang=>'id_ID'}, 'summary'), # 'Menghitung foo dan bar'
# setting arg and property
$risub->arg('a3', 'array'); # will actually fail for 1.0 metadata
$risub->feature('foo', 2); # ditto
# OO interface to variable metadata
my $rivar = rivar { ... };
# OO interface to package metadata
my $ripkg = ripkg { ... };
# OO interface to enveloped result
my $envres = envres [200, "OK", [1, 2, 3]];
dd $envres->is_success, # 1
$envres->status, # 200
$envres->message, # "OK"
$envres->result, # [1, 2, 3]
$envres->meta; # undef
# setting status, message, result, extra
$envres->message('Not found');
# OO interface to function/method result metadata
my $riresmeta = riresmeta { ... };
# an example of using riresmulti()
sub myfunc {
my $envres = envresmulti();
# add result for each item
$envres->add_result(200, "OK", {item_id=>1});
$envres->add_result(202, "OK", {item_id=>2, note=>"blah"});
$envres->add_result(404, "Not found", {item_id=>3});
# finally, return the result
return $envres->as_struct;


Rinci works using pure data structures, but sometimes it's convenient to have an object-oriented interface (wrapper) for those data. This module provides just that.


rimeta $meta => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::Metadata->new($meta).

risub $meta => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::Function->new($meta).

rivar $meta => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::Variable->new($meta).

ripkg $meta => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::Package->new($meta).

envres $res => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::EnvResult->new($res).

envresmulti $res => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::EnvResultMulti->new($res).

riresmeta $resmeta => OBJECT

Exported by default. A shortcut for Perinci::Object::ResMeta->new($res).


Please visit the project's homepage at <>.


Source repository is at <>.


Please report any bugs or feature requests on the bugtracker website <>

When submitting a bug or request, please include a test-file or a patch to an existing test-file that illustrates the bug or desired feature.


perlancar <[email protected]>


This software is copyright (c) 2015 by [email protected].

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.