Guide and reference manual for Perlbal
Perlbal 1.78.
This is the comprehensive guide and reference manual for Perlbal.
- Perlbal::Manual::Configuration
How to configure Perlbal: pools, services, syntax and more.
- Perlbal::Manual::Contributing
How to contribute to Perlbal.
- Perlbal::Manual::Credits
Author and contributor credits for Perlbal.
- Perlbal::Manual::Debugging
How Perlbal's Debugging system works.
- Perlbal::Manual::FailOver
How Perlbal's Fail Over mechanism works.
- Perlbal::Manual::HighPriority
Perlbal's high/low priority queueing system and how to use it.
- Perlbal::Manual::Hooks
Existing hooks and how they work.
- Perlbal::Manual::Install
Installation procedures for Perlbal.
- Perlbal::Manual::Internals
Perlbal's architecture at a glance. Useful for developers.
- Perlbal::Manual::LoadBalancer
Setting up a Perlbal Load Balancing service.
- Perlbal::Manual::Logging
How Perlbal's Logging system works.
- Perlbal::Manual::Management
Setting up a "management" service, connecting to that service and managing Perlbal on-the-fly.
- Perlbal::Manual::Plugins
Known plugins and how to create new ones.
- Perlbal::Manual::ReverseProxy
Setting up a Perlbal "reverse_proxy" service.
- Perlbal::Manual::Roles
Brief description of existing roles.
- Perlbal::Manual::Selector
Setting up a Perlbal "selector" service.
- Perlbal::Manual::WebServer
Setting up a Perlbal "web_server" service.
Bruno Martins and Jose Castro.