Concatenate frames in PFS stream
[--horizontal] [--vertical] [-j <type>]
[-R <val>] [-G <val>] [-B <val>] [-Y <val>] [--help] image1.pfs image2.pfs ...
Read number of frames as input, stitch them either horizontally
or vertically, and produce single frame as output. If frames are not all
the same size they are justified with each other - by default they are
centered, but can also be flushed with a specified edge.
- --horizontal, -H
Stitch frames horizontally.
- --vertical, -V
Stitch frames vertically.
- -j <type>
Specify justification of input frames. Predefined types are: min,
max, center.
- -R <val>, -G <val>, -B <val>
Color of an extra space in a resulting image. Default color is black,
and if some of the components is not specified, its value is set to 0.0.
- -Y <val>
Color of an extra space in luminance mode.
- --help, -h
Print a list of commandline options.
- pfsinmulti anim1_%04d.hdr anim2_%04d.hdr -- pfscat @1 @2 --vertical
Stitch two hdr animations in vertical alignment. 'pfscat' is taken as an
argument by 'pfsinmulti', therefore it must be preceded with '--'. Number
of @1 @2 ... @n arguments must be the same as number of animations to combine.
Note that either --horizontal or --vertical option must be specified.