This manual page describe the basic syntax used in PMK files such as pmkfile and scanfileDATA TYPES
uses pseudo types like the following:- bool
The classical boolean type with TRUE and FALSE values.
For example:
- identifier
An identifier is a string of alphanumerical and underscores characters.
For example:
REQUIRED a_label underscores_are_nice
- quoted
This means quoted string which can contain a set of characters delimited
by quotation marks.
For examples:
"simple quoted string" "string that contain \"quotes\" backslashed" "can also contain filenames like pmkfile.scan"
- list
It is one or more of the previous types between brackets.
Multiple objects are separated with a comma.
Blanks are currently not allowed beside commas, this means that you can
find them only in a quoted string of the list.
For example:
("only_one_string") ("added a boolean",TRUE) (mixed_list_of,"words","and",TRUE,"quoted strings")
can contain comments, blank lines and commands.A command has the following format (? character means optional field):
<command><?(label)> { <body> }
The command and label names can be assimilated to the 'word' type. See Sx DATA TYPES above.
The body can contain comment(s) and definition line(s). A commented line start with a '#' character like the following:
# this is a comment line
A definition line has the following format:
<?blank><key name><?blank>=<?blank><key value>
The key name is of identifier type.
The key value type can be 'bool', 'quoted' or 'list'. The right type will depend on the key name (see further).
For example:
CHECK_INCLUDE(header_sys_param) { # following options use different uses of blank characters # key value is word type REQUIRED = TRUE # key value is list type DEPEND= ("dep_one",dep_two,"dep_three") # key value is quoted type INCLUDE = "sys/param.h" }