use Prima::ComboBox;
my $combo = Prima::ComboBox-> create( style => cs::DropDown, items => [ 1 .. 10 ]);
$combo-> style( cs::DropDownList );
print $combo-> text;
Provides a combo box widget which consists of an input line, list box of possible selections and eventual drop-down button. The combo box can be either in form with a drop-down selection list, that is shown by the command of the user, or in form when the selection list is always visible.The combo box is a grouping widget, and contains neither painting nor user-input code. All such functionality is delegated into the children widgets: input line, list box and button. "Prima::ComboBox" exports a fixed list of methods and properties from namespaces of Prima::InputLine and Prima::ListBox. Since, however, it is possible to tweak the "Prima::ComboBox" ( using its editClass and listClass create-only properties ) so the input line and list box would be other classes, it is not necessarily that all default functionality would work. The list of exported names is stored in package variables %listProps, %editProps and %listDynas. These also described in ``Exported names'' section.
The module defines "cs::" package for the constants used by style property.
- buttonClass STRING
Assigns a drop-down button class.
Create-only property.
Default value: "Prima::Widget"
- buttonDelegations ARRAY
Assigns a drop-down button list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
- buttonProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the drop-down button during the creation.
Create-only property.
- caseSensitive BOOLEAN
Selects whether the user input is case-sensitive or not, when a value
is picked from the selection list.
Default value: 0
- editClass STRING
Assigns an input line class.
Create-only property.
Default value: "Prima::InputLine"
- editProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the input line during the creation.
Create-only property.
- editDelegations ARRAY
Assigns an input line list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
- editHeight INTEGER
- Selects height of an input line.
- items ARRAY
- Mapped onto the list widget's "items" property. See Prima::Lists for details.
- listClass STRING
Assigns a listbox class.
Create-only property.
Default value: "Prima::ListBox"
- listHeight INTEGER
Selects height of the listbox widget.
Default value: 100
- listVisible BOOLEAN
- Sets whether the listbox is visible or not. Not writable when style is "cs::Simple".
- listProfile HASH
Assigns hash of properties, passed to the listbox during the creation.
Create-only property.
- listDelegations ARRAY
Assigns a selection listbox list of delegated notifications.
Create-only property.
- literal BOOLEAN
Selects whether the combo box user input routine assume that
the listbox contains literal strings, that can be fetched via
"get_item_text" ( see Prima::Lists ). As an example when
this property is set to 0 is "Prima::ColorComboBox" from Prima::ComboBox package.
Default value: 1
- style INTEGER
Selected one of three styles:
- cs::Simple
- The listbox is always visible, and the drop-down button is not.
- cs::DropDown
- The listbox is not visible, but the drop-down button is. When the use presses the drop-down button, the listbox is shown; when the list-box is defocused, it gets hidden.
- cs::DropDownList
- Same as "cs::DropDown", but the user is restricted in the selection: the input line can only accept user input that is contained in listbox. If literal set to 1, the auto completion feature is provided.
- text STRING
- Mapped onto the edit widget's "text" property.
Exported names
- %editProps
alignment autoScroll text text charOffset maxLen insertMode firstChar selection selStart selEnd writeOnly copy cut delete paste wordDelimiters readOnly passwordChar focus select_all
- %listProps
autoHeight focusedItem hScroll integralHeight items itemHeight topItem vScroll gridColor multiColumn offset
- %listDynas
onDrawItem onSelectItem