qualityScores(1) a component of subread suite


qualityScores [options] -i <input_file> -o <output_file>

Required arguments:

-i <string>
Name of input file including read data. The default format is Fastq.
-o <string>
Name of output file that is a text file including Phred scores for each read base.

Optional arguments:

--gzFASTQinput Input file is in gzipped Fastq format.
Input file is in BAM format.
Input file is in SAM format.
Use only first reads in paired-end data. Only applicable for paired-end BAM/SAM input.
Use only second reads in paired-end data. Only applicable for paired-end BAM/SAM input.
--counted-reads <int> Total number of reads to be extracted from the input
file. 10,000 by default.
--phred-offset <33|64> refer to subread aligner.