rasterlite_grid(1) generate a GeoTIFF from am ASCII or BINARY Grid


rasterlite_grid [-?] [-g pathname] [-c pathname] [-t pathname] [-p proj4text] [-f [ASCII | FLOAT] ] [-n 0xRRGGBB] [-v] [-sr] [-m 0xRRGGBB] [-z numeric] [-s numeric] [-az numeric] [-al numeric]


rasterlite_grid is a tool for generating a GeoTIFF from an ASCII or BINARY Grid.


-?, --help
print help message
-g pathname, --grid-path pathname
the Grid path (input)
-c pathname, --color-path pathname
the ColorTable path (input)

Please note: --monochrome and --color-path are mutually exclusive options.

-t pathname, --tiff-path pathname
the GeoTIFF path (output)
-p proj4text, --proj4text proj4text
the PROJ.4 parameters
-f [ASCII | FLOAT], --grid-format [ASCII | FLOAT]
the grid format, either ASCII or FLOAT
-n 0xRRGGBB, --nodata-color 0xRRGGBB
No data color (default = 0x000000)
-v, --verbose
verbose output
-sr, --shaded-relief
Use shaded relief (disabled by default)
-m 0xRRGGBB, --monochrome 0xRRGGBB
Monochrome color (default = none)

Please note: --monochrome and --color-path are mutually exclusive options.

-z numeric, --z-factor numeric
override the default z-factor (default = 1.0)
-s numeric, --scale-factor numeric
override the default scale factor (default = 1.0)
-az numeric, --azimuth numeric
override the default azimuth (default = 315.0)
-al numeric, --altitude numeric
override the default altitude (default = 45.0)