reapr stats [options] <preprocess-output-directory> <outprefix>
-f <int>
- Insert size [ave from stats.txt]
-i <int>
- Minimum insert size [pc1 from stats.txt]
-j <int>
- Maximum insert size [pc99 from stats.txt]
-m <int>
- Maximum read length (this doesn't need to be exact, it just determines memory allocation, so must be >= max read length) [2000]
-p <string>
- Name of .gz perfect mapping file made by perfectmap
-q <int>
- Ignore reads with mapping quality less than this [0]
-s <int>
- Calculate FCD error every n-th base [ceil((fragment size) / 1000)]
-u <string>
- File containing list of chromosomes to look at (one per line)