use RefDB::Pubmed;
my $infile = "-";
my $pm = new RefDB::Pubmed;
while ((my $set = $pm->next_pubmed_set())) {
RefDB::Pubmed allows one to convert Pubmed/Medline bibliographic data to the RIS format understood by RefDB and most other bibliographic software. Data can be provided as a string or they can be read from a file/stream.FEEDBACK
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Markus Hoenicka, markus@mhoenicka.dePMSet package
This helper package defines methods to deal with a Pubmed datasetnew
Title : newUsage : $set = new PMset();
Function: Creates a new PMset object
Title : parse_pmsetUsage : $set->parse_pmset();
Function: parses the raw tagged Pubmed data
Title : convert_pmset()Usage : $set->convert_pmset()
Function: Converts the parsed data to RIS data
Title : dump_pmset_as_risUsage : $set->dump_pmset_as_ris()
Function: Dumps the data as a valid RIS set
Title : dump_pmset_as_pmUsage : $set->dump_pmset_as_pm()
Function: dumps the parsed data as a Pubmed set. The result differs from the input in that each tag with its associated data is always in a single line whereas the input data may contain continued lines w/o a tag. You can use this function to normalize the Pubmed tagged data.
Title : _convert_tagUsage : $self->_convert_tag($key, $string);
Function: Converts a Pubmed tag line to RIS and adds the result to a list
Argument: string containing the tag, something like 'KW - '
string containing the data associated with the tag
Title : _split_meshUsage : $self->_split_mesh($string);
Function: splits a Pubmed MH line into one or more RIS KW lines
Argument: string containing the data associated with the MH tag
Title : set_print_unmappedUsage : $pm->set_print_unmapped(1)
Function: switch on or off printing of unmapped Pubmed tags
Argument: 0 (zero) to switch off or non-zero to switch on
Title : set_converterUsage : $pm->set_converter(``from_enc'', ``to_enc'')
Function: creates the iconv character encoding converter to be used
Arguments: from_enc, to_enc: the encoding of the source data and of the output data, respectively
Title : add_raw_lineUsage : $set->add_raw_line($_)
Function: adds a raw Pubmed line to the internal list
Argument: string containing a full Pubmed line
Pubmed package
This package defines functions to deal with collections of Pubmed datasetsnew
Title : newUsage : $pm = new RefDB::Pubmed();
Function: Creates a new Pubmed object
Title : inUsage : $pm->in($filename)
Function: Opens a file or input stream for reading
Returns : A filehandle or undef if the stream could not be opened
Argument: The path of a file or the name of an input stream
Title : stringUsage : $pm->string($string)
Function: Accepts an input string for parsing
Returns : 1 if Pubmed data, 0 if not Argument: A string containing input data
Title : next_pubmed_setUsage : $pm->next_pubmed_set()
Function: Reads the next Pubmed dataset
Returns : A PMset containing the raw Pubmed tagged data, or undef if no data available
Title : set_print_unmappedUsage : $pm->set_print_unmapped(1)
Function: switch on or off printing of unmapped Pubmed tags
Argument: 0 (zero) to switch off or non-zero to switch on
Title : set_encodingsUsage : $pm->set_encodings(``from_enc'', ``to_enc'')
Function: set encodings of input and output data
Argument: from_enc, to_enc according to ``man iconv_open''